Find out why we can be the solution to all of your condominium association and commercial property needs.
Budgeting – APM has a keen understanding of the budgeting process and our goal is not to simply create a budget based on cash flow but to maximize your investment and grow your cash reserves
Streamlined Collections – to ensure timely payments and improved cash flow
Cost-Effective Maintenance – Our employees provide routine maintenance and our trusted team of service technicians are second to none in performance and cost
Transparency – Trustees/Board members have access to online financial reports and monthly printed reports.
Accounting – Our in house staff not subcontractors handle day to day financial transactions and fee collections
Tax Filing – for all association funds with independent audits through contracted CPA firms of your choice or our recommendation
Regular Property Inspections – to assess property condition and keep up on compliance issues
24/7 Emergency Services – On call 24 hour emergency response
Vendor Safeguarding – Making sure all vendors are licensed, insured and meet our quality standards
Capital improvements – We can guide and recommend to your board a detailed vision for future needs of your property
Honest Pricing – straight forward fees and no hidden costs